Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Even in the little things
That never seem too big to me
And the things that I thought
Didn’t matter much at all
As simple as my daily bread
To the strength I need to get out of bed
When I fly, when
I’m about to Fall
It’s you in me
That I fail to see
Make me aware, make me see
Everything I am is not all about me
Take my world, turn it around
So that the obvious can finally be found
Make me aware, make me aware
When my life is hanging from a thread
And I think about the things you said
In this moment seems so far away
Help me see the guarantees
That first brought me to believe
So I can make it through another day
Oh, it’s you in me
That helps me to breathe

Make me aware, make me see

Everything I am is not all about me
Take my world, turn it around
So that the obvious can finally be found
Make me aware
I have been missing so much
Not recognizing your touch
All acknowledging you’re the reason I’m even here
I have been missing so much
Not recognizing your touch
Make me aware, make me aware
Help me see,
Everything I am is not all about me
Take my world, turn it around
So that the obvious can finally be found
Make me aware, make me aware
For none of us lives to himself alone and none of us dies to himself alone. Romans 14:7
this is such a simple idea. why do i make it so difficult? i try to live for me, me, me...when all along, i am here for everyone but. i have been put on this earth to worship my great God and share His love to those around me. end of story. so why do i put so many things ahead of my Savior and His will for my life? do i think i am smarter than the God of the Universe? no. do i think i can do better than what he has planned? no. do i think my plan is The Plan? no. i know all of these things are not what God calls me to do, yet i do them anyway. thus, i must begin the journey of awareness. i must listen to the Spirit of the Lord guide His house (me). i must stop running the wrong way and turn to Him-so He can lead me.
i thank you Lord for my many chances, i thank you Lord for Your strength, i thank you Lord for enlightenment and your light in my once stained soul. i pray that being "aware" is another first step in the right direction. i pray that where i am led, others will see Your light within me. i pray that Your light may shine brighter than it ever has. i pray that my precious family will shine shine shine.
i pray.
i pray.
i pray.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


..."I knew that You are a gracious and compassionate God, slow to anger and abounding in love, a God who relents from sending calamity." Jonah 4:2

and we are called to walk in the likeness of HIM? what a challenge. thank you Lord for your mercy! i will never be able to do this on my own. i will only be able to walk in the way God intended with the power of the Holy Spirit guiding me. i will not be perfect, as there has only been on person in history that has been, but i will try with all of my heart to lead my life in the likeness of Him. Praise the Lord for the map!

my desire is to be more like you. my hope rest in the knowledge and belief of your power. may you transform my heart into the likeness of yours with grace and compassion. may you provide me the ability to love endlessly and limitless. showing others Your love through me. make me your vessel. prepare me for your work. ~AMEN

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Emergency Break

Be still and know that I am God.
Psalm 46:10 (New International Version)

Emergency Break: STOP AND LISTEN

James 1:19 My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,

a mothers prayer

A Mother's Prayer

My sweet baby on loan from above
no better treasure could I more love
I stand here beside your bed as I pray
I lay my hand on your head and I say:

May you grow up to serve Him all of your days
May He lead you and guide you in all of your ways
May His hand bless your future with friendships that last
May you cherish your youth and not grow up too fast

I stare in wonder at your tiny frame
Just to think that God knows you by name
He knows every hair on your beautiful head
He knows all your thoughts before they are said

May you grow up to serve Him all of your days
May He lead you and guide you in all of your ways
May His hand bless your future with friendships that last
May you cherish your youth and not grow up too fast

May God grant you peace in the midst of a storm
May God give you strength even when youre forlorn
May you answer the door when Jesus comes knocking

May wisdom guide you when your mouth is talkin
May discretion protect you and keep you pure
May you never stumble or fall for a lure
May your heart remain humble to the very end
May uprightness and truth be what you defend
May the world not ensnare or change who you are
May the light that's within you shine like the stars
May angels surround you body, spirit, mind
May favor and peace be yours to find
May rejection and pain never reach you
May your spirit grow bold for what youre called to
As you rest in Gods care I will rest too Knowing that Jesus is watching over you Amen
~Rachel Aldous

I am amazed at what God is teaching me through my child! He is Good! He is Faithful! He is my Strength! ~AMEN!

Or as Whitney says:

Thursday, August 6, 2009



as i wait, as i pray, i long to experience God in a way i never have before. i have a journey ahead of me. i know i do. one that God has planned and with excitement i wait patiently for his plan to unfold. as each day passes, as each moment passes, i wait.
still. learning. longing.

when i look in the Word at stories of promise from God to his people, they were rarely given their blessings immediately. Abraham and Sarah, Jacob, and Moses to name a few, waited YEARS to receive their promise. God blessed them, and when he did, it wasn't the actual blessing that was the gift. it was the journey. the time they spent learning and longing for God. that was the gift.

"Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you; He rises to show you compassion. For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for Him!" Isaiah 30:18

Sometimes its not the gift itself, it is the anticipation.