Do not be afraid, O man highly esteemed," he said, "Peace! Be strong now; be strong." When he spoke to me I was strengthened, and said, "Speak my Lord since you have given me strength."

Daniel 10:19
Caught up in a place
I never thought I'd be
Fear and isolation
Have got a hold on me
I struggle with the silence
Waiting desperately
Will you
Would you
Speak Peace
Speak Peace
Speak Peace to me
I am weak
Oh, Jesus, speak
Speak Peace to me
I don't know how much longer
I can carry this pain
I need you more than ever
To get me through this thing
I'm past the point of breaking
It's more than I can take
Will you
Speak Peace
Speak Peace
Speak Peace to me
I am weak
Oh, Jesus, speak
Speak Peace to me
-Ginger Millerman-
it is funny how my life isn't what i expected it to be at this point. i would not change many aspects of mine, but i would change some of my actions in the past, those which have caused damage. as i type that, i realized how silly it sounds. i am who i am because of my experiences in my life, i am stronger and wiser because of those actions. so really, would i change them? probably not. i like who i have become, and changing those things, would alter my life lessons. however, the ones i would change would be the ones that were harmful to others. altering their life lessons should not have been up to me. changing their life in unknown ways, is not my desire. my desire is to do things to alter others lives in unknown ways - for the better.
this is just a random thought from this morning.... i don't know why or how the story of Daniel pertains to my past, but, i am sure God will reveal something amazing, as always!
i am encouraged by Daniel today. look at his story, it makes my feeling of weakness seem so small. i have not been asked to brave a lions den. i am not in fear for my life. i am weak and fearful for so many other "small" reasons, i am in a quandary about decisions and don't have peace regarding decisions i must make for the health of my child. this must be the tie from my thought above! this must be why the story of Daniel was on my heart this morning, to tie my thoughts about my past decisions to a lesson...light bulb!
my actions and decisions will directly affect my child and her health for a lifetime. "my desire is to do things to alter others lives in unknown ways - for the better". my fear-thus giving me lack of peace, is that i will listen to the wrong small voice, altering her health for the worse.
I am weak, oh Jesus. speak peace on these decisions! may Your calm and peaceful voice be the only voice we hear...may You protect this beautiful child you have given us. my Your peace take me over as we brave the lions in our lives, may you tame them like kittens, and reveal Yourself to us like the mighty thunder so we may hear Your desire for us. may Your voice and Your breath be our strength as we hold Your hand tight in this adventure you so graciously have blessed us with.
Please Be My Strength, dear Jesus, as Daniel so did, so will I!
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